Linee guida del brand
The Squarespace brand includes the words, phrases, symbols, designs and other distinctive brand features associated with Squarespace and our services (“Brand Assets”). Examples of our Brand Assets include the word “Squarespace” and our logos. Our Brand Assets are trade names, trademarks, service marks and trade dress of Squarespace.
Squarespace encourages and supports other products and services that use and supplement our services. At the same time, we must protect our reputation and brand identity. So we ask that you follow these Brand Guidelines, which are intended to promote consistent use of our Brand Assets. This makes it easier for people to instantly recognize references to Squarespace, and prevents consumer confusion. These guidelines also help protect Squarespace’s intellectual property.
If you don’t agree to these Brand Guidelines, you don’t have a right to, and shouldn’t, use the Brand Assets.
General Brand Guidelines
Cosa fare:
Use our Brand Assets to refer to Squarespace, our services or anything else we offer.
Scrivi "Squarespace" come un'unica parola e con la "S" iniziale maiuscola.
Conformarsi alle nostre linee guida sul logo, termini di servizio e termini di utilizzo consentiti.
Cosa non fare:
Use the Brand Assets in a way that suggests or implies partnership, sponsorship or endorsement by Squarespace.
Modify or alter the Brand Assets.
Incorporate the Brand Assets, or anything confusingly similar, into your trademarks, domain names, logos or similar content.
Present the Brand Assets in a way that makes them the most prominent or distinctive feature of what you’re creating.
Use the Brand Assets in merchandise or other products such as clothing, hats or mugs.
Accampare diritti sul brand Squarespace o sulle risorse del brand, né tramite registrazione del nome dominio o del marchio, né tramite qualsiasi altra azione.
Use trademarks, domain names, logos or other content that imitate or could be confused with Squarespace.
Far comparire Squarespace su materiali associati a contenuti sessualmente espliciti, attività illecite o altri materiali che violano i nostri termini di servizio e i termini di utilizzo consentiti.
Per permetterci di affrontare futuri problemi di branding, potremmo modificare queste Linee guida del brand senza preavviso. Pubblicheremo la versione più recente sul nostro sito web. Sarà tua responsabilità rispettare tutti i termini modificati, quindi accertati di controllare regolarmente le presenti Linee guida del brand.